While compassionate reasons are not granted automatically, we will consider requests on compassionate grounds for anything ranging from bereavement to high school commencements. These considerations are dependent on documentation and are assessed on a case-by-case basis. In all cases, an Academic Consideration Form must be submitted along with any pertinent documentation within two business days to the Academic Dean’s Office.

Note: Vacation travel is not an approved reason for compassionate accommodation and will not be approved.

What should I do if I am going to miss a course work, a test or exam?

  • As soon as possible, but no later than two days after a missed exam, complete an Academic Consideration Request, uploading appropriate documentation,

  • Where possible, students should inform their Instructor prior to the date of the exam.

  • Carefully consider the implications of postponing exams or delaying handing in work.  For example, a delay in completing your work may impact your eligibility to graduate in June or, if you are continuing your studies next year, the timing of your course registration appointment. 

For further information on academic consideration policies, procedures, and acceptable documentation, please see the following:

Western:  https://registrar.uwo.ca/academics/academic_considerations/index.html

King's:  https://www.kings.uwo.ca/current-students/courses-enrolment/exams-and-tests/academic-consideration-requests/