Alumni Board of Directors 2023-2024

Colin Whitehead '06, President
Amelia Holden '00, '07, Vice-President
Holly Clark '23
Casey Hayward '07
Ben Kitching '21
Lydia Li '03
Ian McCallum '95
Matt Pepe '87
Aziz Sayegh '19
Kevin Van Lierop '05
Dalla (Tong) Zhao '19
Laura Crowe, KUCSC Representative
Laura Peters, ex-officio member, Alumni Engagement Officer
Terra Ahrens, ex-officio member, Executive Director, Foundation and Alumni and Development

For more information about the Alumni Association Board, or to find out how you can get involved please contact Laura Peters, 1-800-265-4406 x4502

Alumni Chapters

Chapter events are held in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, and London. Alumni Chapter volunteers work together to organize events for local King’s grads. Events provide meaningful opportunities for alumni to socialize and network in their geographic region. If you are interested in starting a Chapter in your area or would like more information on an existing Chapter, please contact