September 29, 2022 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

For many years, King’s, led by Campus Ministry, has provided food and community from the St. Joseph's Hospitality Centre. Beginning on October 8, King’s will return to this community outreach from the newly rebranded St. Joe’s Café from 5-8 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month. Volunteers from King’s will be serving meals to members of London’s east end community.

St. Joe’s Café is now located at 602 Queen’s Avenue, on the northwest corner of Queen’s Avenue and Adelaide Street in London, Ontario. The new facility features updated stainless-steel stoves, refrigerators, a long, raised serving counter and roomy storage space. This larger space will accommodate more guests, to assist those in need in our community who, it is hoped, will benefit from an inviting atmosphere, nutritious food, compassionate volunteers, and a feeling of community and warm hospitality.

“The Café is more than just giving back to the community; it is about following our Catholic mission. We are called to support those in need, build community and build bridges. This opportunity gives us the privilege of learning from and spending time with people whom we may otherwise never get a chance to meet. It provides safe place for mutual conversations and learning opportunities. It breaks down barriers of otherness than can happen across demographics within our own communities,” says Annette Donovan Panchaud, Campus Minister.

King's welcomes volunteer servers and musicians, as well as donations of cheese, cookies, baked goods, sandwiches, etc. Non-perishable items can be dropped off at the registration desk at The Chapel at Windermere on the Mount before Mass, or at the St. Joe's Cafe on the day King’s visits.

“The Café creates a place of encounter where we have the opportunity to discover what it means to be in meaningful relationship with others. People have the opportunity to learn from others, share our gifts and build community,” says Donovan Panchaud.

If you are interested in volunteering or donating, please contact Annette Donovan Panchaud.