My year-long exchange at the Catholic University of Lille in France was amazing! Not only was I able to improve my French, but I also got to immerse myself in French culture. The university itself was very welcoming and helpful since there were many international students. The city was lively and easy to adjust to with many things to explore. I made so many great friends from all over the world, creating lasting friendships. Being in Lille made travelling around Europe very easy and I got to experience 12 new countries. This experience has been incredibly memorable and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something new.


Juan Bernal Diaz, Université Catholique de Lille – Full Year 2023-34

Going on exchange at the University of Essex was an incredible experience. I was able to learn about and explore cities and towns in England and was also able to travel to France, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Spain, and the Netherlands. I met a lot of new people and made some really great friends from all over the world!


Emma Lauren Pehleman, University of Essex, UK - Fall 2022

I absolutely loved doing summer school at Roehampton University. The summer program is an amazing alternative to studying abroad all semester and I'm glad that I chose it. The classes are designed for exchange students and to teach you about the culture and history of London while also giving you the time to explore the city on your own and make friends with the other exchange students. The other students and I truly felt like a family who had known each other for years after just a few days of exploring the city together. The University of Roehampton reminds me so much of King's because of its smaller size and tight knit community that was incredibly welcoming. I think every student should consider studying abroad, and the Summer at Roehampton Program is the perfect option for students who cannot go away for months at a time.

Jonathan Fraser, University of Roehampton, London, UK (History) - Summer 2022

I loved being able to attend Erasmus University College in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The school is similar to King's in a sense that it is a part of a larger university so the setting was very familiar and welcoming. Rotterdam is a very urban and modern city that was rebuilt after WWII but it encompasses a lot of history prior to that time. I would definitely suggest EUC and studying in the Netherlands as the location was beautiful and allowed you to travel freely; I got to visit Germany and Belgium very easily.

Mari Pullman, Erasmus University College, The Netherlands (Psychology)

Studying in Australia has been one of the most amazing experiences. Being able to live in a foreign country and continue my studies is something I would definitely recommend to my friends. The University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle campus) is so similar to Kings in many ways! I really loved being able to go to the beach for a few hours in between classes since it was so close. I got to meet so many amazing people and made friends that will last a lifetime. Doing surf lessons, meeting koalas and kangaroos, and other activities were all set up through the exchange program which was really nice!

Adam Bachmeier, The University of Notre Dame Australia (Fremantle campus)

(image:Aly Ives)

"Studying abroad was everything I hoped it would be and more. Not only did I get to live in one of the largest and busiest cities in the world, I also got to travel and explore new interests in a completely new and unfamiliar environment. It helped me understand what I wanted my life to look like after university, and made the idea of travelling (alone and otherwise) much less daunting. In addition, through involving myself in the university's theatre program I found a place where I felt like I belonged. Though this made it all that much harder to leave, it enhanced my experience far past my expectations. I truly believe that deciding to study abroad is a leap of faith, but once you make that leap your world opens up far past your imagination.

Aly Ives, University of Roehampton, London, UK - Criminology

(image:Mackenzie White)

The opportunity to study abroad in an exchange program was the main reason I chose to start at King’s University College in the first place. My time in Denmark was truly a unique and challenging experience where I grew as an individual and connected with like-minded students from all over the world who shared my passions of travel and international relations. Learning Danish and living on my own in a foreign country was very daunting at first, but taking Master’s classes in a world-class faculty was incredible! I have returned to Canada with memories and friendships that will last for a lifetime, as well as future travel destinations in mind. I am grateful and humbled by the experience to represent King’s and Western through this journey. Tusind tak og skål!

Mackenzie White,
The University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Political Science & Social Justice and Peace Studies)

(image:Ashley Arsenault)

Having the opportunity to go on an international exchange was one of the best experiences in my life. Living in a foreign country, where everyone speaks a different language, and knowing absolutely no one was daunting. However, through this experience I was able to learn so much about myself and grow as a person and student. I was able to build lasting friendships with people from all over the world, and travel to different countries. Studying at Toulouse Business School in France, was challenging but gave me a new perspective on my major.

Ashley Arsenault,
Toulouse Business School, Toulouse, France (MOS: Finance & Administration)

(image:Ryan de Jeu)

Studying on exchange allowed me to gather a much greater understanding of myself at various levels. Living on my own in a foreign country, at an international partner university, gave me the opportunity to portray myself in a new way. This was both exciting and overwhelming. The experience abroad allowed me to really figure out who I am and who I want to be as a person. I have become much more self-reliant through living on my own and developing self-study skills through my university. I have become more confident talking to new people and making new friends, some of whom I am sure I will stay in contact with for many years. Being in a new culture and new country gave me greater understanding for others yet helped me to appreciate all of my comforts back home. I recommend the program to those looking for a university experience of a lifetime.

Ryan de Jeu,
Erasmus University College, The Netherlands  (Criminology & Psychology)

(image:Carolina Guzman Rivera)

Studying in Toulouse Business School at Barcelona for a semester was the most fulfilling and amazing experience of my life. My classes at TBS were challenging and diverse. I met students from different cultures and had the opportunity to visit cities in Spain as well as in other countries. Doing an exchange can be challenging and scary because you are going to a new city by yourself, but it is the most rewarding experience. You make lasting friendships and you discover who you are.

Carolina Guzman Rivera,
Toulouse Business School, Spain (MOS: Global Commerce & Finance)

(image:Rachel Finch)

I absolutely loved the experience of going on exchange to Australia. I got to meet new people who I'll be friends with forever, study beside the ocean, and hang out with the kangaroos. The University of Notre Dame is amazing, and you get the best of both worlds as you live beside the big city of Perth but campus is in the cute historical town of Fremantle!

Rachel Finch,
University of Notre Dame, Australia (Disability Studies)

(image:Susan Yiao and Danielle Wood)

Studying abroad, although a very daunting experience at first, turns out to be an incredibly rewarding one. It challenged me to be a better student, citizen, and individual. I was able to meet so many interesting people and travel to places I'd dreamed of since I was young. Not only was I able to check a few things off my bucket list, I also had the chance to continue my double major and learn new perspectives on subjects I'm passionate about. My time in Lille, France was unforgettable and if I had to choose to do it all again, I would do so in a heartbeat!

Susan Yiao,
Catholic University of Lille, France (French & Psychology)

There is nothing better than experiencing new countries with old friends while making new ones! My year abroad allowed me to meet so many new people and develop friendships that I’m sure will last for many years to come. Throughout my exchange, I learned more about myself, became more confident, and had the chance to experience an incredible year full of travelling and new adventures! My exchange has also helped me discover new subjects that have allowed me decide what I see myself doing after I graduate. My year in Lille, France has helped me complete my double major and has given me one of the best years of my life!

Danielle Wood,
Catholic University of Lille, France (Political Science, French & Western Thought & Civilizations)