École Polytechnique Tragedy Vigil

In tribute to the 14 women who were murdered at École Polytechnique in Montreal in 1989, a vigil will be held in the King's Quad. Fourteen chairs will be set up outside, along with photos and descriptions of each woman. There will be a welcome in the Spriet where faculty from SJPS will give a brief explanation of the tribute and exhibit. Dean Joe Henry will also say some words of allyship and the importance of remembering this tragic event.
The history:
On December 6, 1989, a man entered a mechanical engineering classroom at Montreal's École Polytechnique armed with a semi-automatic weapon. After separating the women from the men, he opened fire on the women while screaming, "You are all feminists." Fourteen young women were murdered, and 13 other people were wounded.
Femicide is still happening today. Please join us as we pay tribute.
There will be refreshments provided by the Office of EDID.
Visit King's National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women page for more information and resources.