Dr. Malloy discusses King's remaining a largely virtual campus indefinitely
A message from Dr. David Malloy, King's Principal:
I want to check in with you briefly today to let you know you remain in my thoughts, and to share my hopes that each of you and your families continue to be healthy.
In keeping with provincial legislation, King’s University College will not be reopening on May 1. Instead, we will continue to remain a largely virtual campus indefinitely, with reassessments of the situation to be made and communicated to you on a regular basis.
We are all experiencing one of the most challenging times in recent human history. It is important to remember we are all going through this shared crisis together, and we must look out for one another. King’s faculty and staff can find support through the Family Service Employee Assistance Program. More information can be found at www.familyservicethamesvalley.com/service/fseap/. As well, there are many wellness resources available on the King’s website.
Even in these times, King’s maintains a vibrant and caring community. Virtual events continue to take place and more information can be found on the Events Calendar. I also encourage you to read the weekly Things@King’s email for current, relevant information about events and activities. Members of College Council are reminded that the regularly scheduled meeting will take place on April 22 at 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. Information regarding the logistics of the meeting will be forthcoming.
I know, for many, working remotely has become part of this new normal, and for significantly longer than originally expected. I have been pleased to hear how people are adapting to their remote workplace, making the necessary changes to accommodate your family life and your work life. I encourage you to share your ideas and stories about how your team has been innovative with me via email, Twitter or Instagram.
Depending on your remote working experience, you may feel disconnected and isolated or, alternatively, you may feel more closely connected to your family and colleagues now. I encourage you to reach out to your co-workers and friends whether via Zoom meetings or even just an email as ways to keep in touch. You can continue to ask me questions directly, reach out to your department chairs and managers or, where applicable, the Staff, Faculty or PAO Associations.
With so many aspects of life during the COVID-19 pandemic being out of control, it can be easy to feel frustrated. Viktor E. Frankl, Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor, once said “the last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.” I want to applaud each of you for choosing your attitude wisely.
Please, continue to take care of yourself. Take care of each other. We will take care of this place.