August 22, 2019 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

King’s International has launched the Global Ambassador Program for students to share their experiences of studying internationally or participating in an academic exchange.

“We’re looking for anyone who can bring the passion, imagination, and inspiration of their global student experience by being a Global Ambassador,” says Dr. Linda Weber, Manager, King’s International. At the same time, King’s International hopes the program will help raise awareness of the office and the possibilities which exist for international learning.

Participation in the Global Ambassador Program can take many forms, including:

  • Being a mentor to students by answering their questions about international study or travelling and living abroad
  • Attending King’s Exchange Information Sessions or other international meetings that promote outgoing exchange and study-abroad programs
  • Talking to King’s classes about their global study experiences

King’s International has found it is helpful for students to talk to peers who have gone abroad. The program will help connect students with an Ambassador, who can meet at a mutually beneficial time (or even via email) to help point would-be travelers towards useful resources.

The Ambassadors are able to share knowledge in a format they are comfortable with. “Sometimes it is easier to talk to interested people one-on-one, rather than 150 people in a classroom. Ambassadors can connect with students interested in international learning in a small group format like an information session, in a classroom environment, or one-on-one or on-line. At the same time, students find it less daunting coming to an information session,” says Weber.

King’s realizes the importance of experiential learning and international learning.  Students who have taken part in such experiences have told King’s International that they have gained new knowledge, skills, different perspectives and leadership abilities while experiencing personal growth.

While students may recognize the value of international learning, many might not think it is possible due to financial or academic challenges. By connecting with Global Ambassadors, students will discover exciting opportunities for short term international learning that they may not have previously considered (such as during Reading Week) or Experiential Learning opportunities open to students from all disciplines. They gain a student perspective that encompasses more than just the practicalities of the course requirements.

“In a sense, it (becoming a part of the Global Ambassador Program) is giving back to King’s. Students returning from an exchange or experiential learning abroad have a new intercultural lens and an avenue to share that lens with others. They have the chance to share their story with an attentive audience,” says Weber.

For more information, please contact King’s International at

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