A Message from the Principal Regarding Final Exams:
To the King’s Community,
This has been a challenging week as we took several preventative actions against the spread of COVID-19. I am so proud of how the King’s community has received the news of cancelling events, and moving classes to an online delivery of instruction that will begin on March 18th.
I now have further important information regarding final exams. I know this is a topic of concern for students, especially those who want to make plans to complete the term at home.
Tonight, we have decided not to hold in-person exams written on King’s campus in April. This decision allows students who want to leave campus to do so. We are making this announcement tonight, in tandem with Western University’s announcement at 7 p.m.
Further details will be provided to the King’s community on Monday afternoon as to how the final exams will be conducted.
In no way does this indicate that King’s is closing its campus at this time. Our residence, food services, library and student services remains open.
Thank you and as always, we welcome your feedback.
Take care of yourself. Take care of this place. Take care of each other.