Pragmatism and Phenomenology: Female Figures Workshop

This two-day workshop is a follow-up to the March 2017 Pragmatism and Phenomenology event at the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario. Like its predecessor, this workshop presents an opportunity for scholars of both phenomenology and pragmatism to engage in a sustained round-table discussion on topics relevant to both groups. This year we wish to focus on the women of both movements, the significance of their ideas and the relevance they hold for philosophy and other disciplines today. Many of these female figures have received far too little attention. This workshop seeks to be a positive step in changing this. Each session will feature a female figure or two, and then discussion of topics and themes likely to be of interest to both pragmatists and phenomenologists. Female figures that will be discussed in this workshop event include: Anna Julia Cooper, Jane Addams, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Christine Ladd-Franklin, Helen Longino, Edith Stein, Gerda Walther, Hedwig Conrad-Martius, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, Simone de Beauvoir, and Iris Marion Young.

The workshop is a discussion-type format and is not meant to be a formal presentation of papers. Workshop participants will lead or co-lead discussions on a topic of their choosing with discussion material circulated in advance. It is not expected that participants are experts in both traditions, but merely that there is an interest in both and a willingness to learn more.

Limited space to fill boardroom. Registration not required, but you can reach out for readings in advance.