January 3, 2018 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

Carol Hopkins, a King’s College professor of social work from the Delaware Nation at Moraviantown, is recognized for her work which supports First Nations people dealing with addiction and mental health challenges.

Professor Hopkins is cited by the Governor General of Canada, Julie Payette, "for her contributions to the fields of addictions and mental health, and as an advocate for culturally based treatment services.”

Hopkins said she was surprised and honored to receive the Order of Canada. She hopes that her work has shown that traditional teachings and cultural practices can help First Nations people overcome addictions much more effectively than Western techniques alone.

Hopkins recently developed a new advanced practice with Indigenous peoples Master of Social Work course. She will be teaching this course at King’s during the winter semester. For many years she has taught the BSW SW Elective SW 4465A/B Topic title: Social Work Practice with First Nations.

Read news coverage on Hopkins’ appointment:

London Free Press, “London doctor and two Chatham-area residents among latest Order of Canada inductees”

CBC news Windsor, “Chatham-Kent home to two new Order of Canada inductees”

The Governor General of Canada, Appointments to the Order of Canada

NationTalk, "Thunderbird Partnership Foundation congratulates Carol Hopkins"