King's Debating Society participates in the 25th Annual McMUN
Members of the King’s Debating Society spent an exciting weekend engaging in thought-provoking dialogue at the 25th Annual McGill Model United Nations Assembly (McMUN) from January 23 – 27, in Montreal. A student-run initiative that has been held at McGill University since 1989, McMUN welcomes over 1400 delegates from across Canada, the United States, and from around the world.
Patty Mockler, an executive member of the King’s Debating Society and a fourth year honors student in Political Science and Social Justice and Peace Studies, believes this is a great opportunity for students to hone their public speaking skills and to practice the art of negotiation and consensus building.
“The conference was a great way to learn more about the inner workings (and failures) of the United Nations while gaining experience with Robert's Rules of Order,” says Mockler. “We were able to further develop public speaking, negotiation and networking skills throughout the conference.” Robert’s Rules of Order provides common rules and procedures for deliberation and debate so that all members are on the same footing and speaking the same language.
King’s delegates were involved in a number of different committees debating a range of issues. Tom Tyrrell, the resident Ultimate Fighting Champion expert, was in this year's new UFC committee, and Catherine Guigovaz was part of the successful team in the Bid for the World's Fair. Students were also engaged in the United Nations Special Session on Aging, the European Food Manufacturing and Safety Summit, the Manifest Destiny crisis committee, to name a few.
The King’s Debate Society will also be hosting the King’s – Huron debate and a model UN conference for high school students in the region on May 15, 2014. For more information about King’s Debating Society, visit the group’s Facebook page.