January 13, 2016 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

King’s Associate Registrar Tracy Cunningham, seen here with Luciana Cardarelli and Mary Cordeiro from the Catholic Principals’ Council of Ontario (CPCO), attends the 24th Congresso Interamericano de Educacion Catholica (Inter-American Congress of Catholic Education) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Congress is celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Declaration Educationis Gravissimum (the Second Vatican Council’s Declaration on Education), bringing together catholic educators to redefine the role of Catholic schools in the 21st century.

King’s is the first North American University to sign an agreement with National Association of Catholic Education in Brazil (ANEC), and is home to many visiting students from Brazil.  

For more information on the congress, please see the Congresso's website

Best of luck at the conference Tracy!