December 6, 2012 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

On November 30th, International Office hosted its annual Christmas and end of the year party at King’s International House. Close to 70 students from around the world were in attendance.  International Student staff performed a rap version of The Grinch who Stole Christmas,  and there was carolling in English, Korean, Japanese, French and Spanish, followed by a gift exchange. In between these activities, participants decorated sugar cookies and gingerbread houses, wrote their wishes for the New Year and hung them up on the tree. Throughout the event, participants enjoyed refreshments and delicious sweets, many of which were lovingly baked by student organizers. The event also featured a video in honour of the ten exchange students who are returning to Russia, Brazil, Colombia, France and South Korea this December. The evening closed with a birthday cake prepared by French exchange students for a current King’s international student who has been a great friend. All are welcome to view photos from the event and a video of the skit here:!/pages/Kings-International/281129505263935

Thanks to all students who have participated and contributed to creating this memorable event.

For more information, contact King’s International Office: