King's Business students visit Ingredion Canada
Professor Felipe Rodrigues took his Operations Management Class (MOS 3330) to a visit at Ingredion Canada. Ingredion is a food processing plant specialized in converting corn into several different starches, sugary syrups and proteins.
Their products are used in an incredible amount of products, ranging from the food industry to animal feeds and pharmaceuticals. The visit started with Ingredion managers and engineers giving a presentation about all the their products, processes and operations. Later, students took a guided tour of the plant, where they saw the plant’s manufacturing process.
Students could see many aspects of process management, capacity planning, quality management, inventory management and control in real time. Professor Rodrigues thinks such visit adds reality to the classroom experience: “Seeing the operations of a high technology plant such as Ingredion is truly memorable. It gives students a new appreciation for the role of manufacturing and operations”.
Professor Rodrigues would like to thank his students and his hosts, Mariana Bombonati (process and environmental coordinator at Ingredion), Joel Spurdza (Operations Manager) and Gene Ryan (Safety Manager) for such a wonderful afternoon.