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Jan 5, 2024
Joe Henry addresses male gender gap in higher education in article
Joe Henry, Dean of Students, has contributed an article to discussing men's participation in post-secondary education and ways to improve their completion rate. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jan 5, 2024
Dr. Benjamin Muller talks drawbacks to facial recognition project for airlines
In a National Post article about Air Canada's pilot project of using facial-recognition equipment to verify identities, Dr. Benjamin Muller, Associate Professor and Program Coordinator of Migration and Border Studies, expresses concerns about the risk of a new breed of privacy invasion and government surveillance. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jan 5, 2024
King's expands free counselling for vulnerable amid 'skyrocketing' demand
The London Free Press has published an article discussing how the free counselling program by King’s Social Work students is expanding to help meet “skyrocketing” demand from London’s vulnerable. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Dec 19, 2023
Jenny Richmond-Bravo lauds the value of a liberal arts education
Jenny Richmond-Bravo, King's Experiential Learning Co-ordinator and King’s Promise Developer, talks about re-valuing the impact of the liberal arts in this article for CareerWise. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Dec 12, 2023
Program for social work students to provide free counselling expands in London, Ont.
A Global News story talks about King’s Community Support Centre (KCSC), a field education program of King's School of Social Work that is expanding to help address London's health and homelessness crisis. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Nov 30, 2023
Joe Henry revisits addressing men's success in studying in Canadian PSE
Joe Henry, Dean of Students, wrote an article for Academica Forum, outlining some solutions to recent data regarding low success and retention rates for men in post-secondary education (PSE).
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Nov 22, 2023
Dr. Kerr speaks to CBC on implications of low fertility rates in Canada
Dr. Don Kerr, Professor of Sociology, appeared on an episode of CBC's The Current to discuss the implications of fertility rates in Canada being at an all-time low at the same time that many young people are delaying having children or not having children at all due to financial stress.
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Nov 15, 2023
Dr. Kennedy discusses arrest after U.K. hockey death with CBC
Dr. Liam Kennedy, Associate Professor of Sociology/Criminology, appeared on CBC's The National to discuss an arrest by police in England in the aftermath of the death of hockey player Adam Johnson, who was cut with a skate blade during a game in October. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Nov 8, 2023
King's faculty featured in upcoming CBC report on travel issues for people with disabilities
Dr. Erika Katzman, Assistant Professor of Disability Studies, and Dr. Jeff Preston, Associate Professor of Disability Studies, will be featured in a CBC Marketplace report investigating the safety issues people with disabilities face while travelling. You can watch the full investigation, "Access Denied", on November. 10, at 8 p.m., 8:30 in Newfoundland, on CBC TV and anytime on YouTube or CBC Gem. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Nov 1, 2023
Dr. Ventresca provides insight on World War II Catholic Church in WSJ article
Dr. Robert Ventresca, Interim Vice-President Academic Dean, shares his insights on Pope Pius XII in an article in The Wall Street Journal about new scholarship that shows the Catholic Church gave priority to saving Jews who were baptized Catholics. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 23, 2023
How social media influences are changing the conversation about disability
Dr. Jeff Preston, Associate Professor of Disability Studies, contributed to a Global News program about how disability has appeared in traditional media and how that may be changing with the rise of social media and, specifically, the growing power of disability influencers online. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 2, 2023
Dr. Broad discusses use of Saint Javelin imagery in Globe and Mail article
Dr. Graham Broad, Associate Professor of History, has contributed his knowledge of religious symbols and war imagery to a Globe and Mail article about the use of Saint Javelin – the Virgin Mary with an anti-tank missile launcher – during the war in Ukraine. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Oct 2, 2023
Dr. Bikos' research used on the question of "Can women fix police?"
Research by Dr. Lesley Bikos, Assistant Professor of Sociology at King’s, on policing in Canada was featured in a Toronto Star special series, "Behind the Badge." Citing her research and decades of evidence, Dr. Bikos discussed how the cultural and structural barriers and ongoing systemic 'isms' within the institution must be considered as part of the larger discussion, particularly as they relate to the limits of police reform. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Sep 5, 2023
Dr. Michalski speaks to CBC about London Police clearance rates
Dr. Joseph Michalski, Professor of Sociology, spoke to the CBC about London Police Service's clearance rates, the rate at which incidents are solved. The rates suggest law enforcement is funnelling its limited resources into areas the public sees as crucial, Dr. Michalski says. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Aug 22, 2023
The Dean Is In: How Joe Henry Engages with Students
Joe Henry, Dean of Students, recently spoke with Inside Higher Ed about "Ask Joe," his monthly drop-in session for students which is also live-streamed on King's Instagram. Henry says it is "a unique way to open up a dialogue for students." Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Aug 14, 2023
Article answers the question: What is Disability Pride Month?
Cassandra Dawson, fourth year Bachelor of Social Work student, has contributed an article to The Cambridge Times outlining the importance of Disability Pride Month, observed every July as a time of celebration, resistance, inclusivity and awareness. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Aug 14, 2023
Dr. Birnbaum discusses impact of split families vacationing together
Newly-separated Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire Trudeau, are vacationing with their children. Dr. Rachel Birnbaum, Distinguished Professor Emerita in the School of Social Work and cross appointed with Childhood and Youth Studies, told The National Post that such trips can only work for the children if managed well by the parents. Facebook Twitter Linkedin -
Jul 19, 2023
Dr. Preston says "get involved" to help improve concert experiences for disabled
Interviewed for a CBC article about disabled concert-goers' disappointing experience at Rock the Park, Dr. Jeff Preston, Associate Professor of Disability Studies, suggests the solution is "if you have good ideas on how to make this more accessible ... get involved." Facebook Twitter Linkedin