In the liturgy each of us is called to full, active, and conscious participation. As members of the worshipping community, many feel called to be more involved in the liturgy through the Ministries of Hospitality, Altar Server, the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and Music.


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The Ministers of Hospitality represent the welcoming face of our community. They are graced with the opportunity to extend Christ's love in this way to both friend and stranger. Ministers of Hospitality welcome those who gather for the celebration, assist people to their seats, pass out hymnals when necessary, care for any needs (if someone gets sick, or other emergencies), take up the collection, bring forward the communion gifts, and distribute bulletins at the end of Mass. 


Altar Servers assist the presider in all aspect of the liturgical celebration. The actions of these individuals highlight the ceremony and ritual that are so much a part of the liturgy that we celebrate. They bear witness to the importance and reverence for the vessels that are used in the liturgy. Servers lead the procession of the liturgy by carrying the cross and candles, hold the prayer book for the presider, and help to prepare the altar for communion. The servers help to ensure that the liturgy unfolds with grace and dignity.


As God’s word speaks to us through the scripture, God speaks to the gathered through the proclamation of the Minister of the Word. By proclaiming the scriptures in the liturgical assembly, the Minister of the Word brings to birth the living word of God and reminds us that God’s word is alive here and now. At this time Ministers of the word proclaim both the first and second reading.

To learn more about or participate in any of the above ministries please contact


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist the presider in the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ to the gathered assembly. As ambassadors of the Eucharist Table, they may also bring communion to those of our community who are unable to be with us. As the community approaches these ministers, they give each member of the assembly a gracious welcome befitting the honored guests at the Table of the Lord.


Music serves to excite, create, challenge and unite us in prayer. Far beyond the spoken word, music helps to put a voice to our faith and enables us to be touched by the very mysteries of God as we unite together in prayer. Ministers of Music lead and encourage the assembly in song and support the liturgical action through music. The ministry of music enlists both choir members and instrumentalists to support the sung prayer of the community. Two choirs serve the worshipping community – one that leads music at the 11:00am Eucharist and the other at the 5:00pm Eucharist.  The 11:00am Parish Choir rehearses at 7:00pm each Wednesday (Sept. to June) while the 5:00pm Choir rehearses at 4:00pm each Sunday (Sept. to April).  We also invite those who have the gift of vocal leadership to consider serving as Cantor. The Cantor’s primary role is to proclaim the psalm and the gospel acclamation as well as support the assembly’s song.  For more information, contact Janet Loo at