Inspired by the original 1936 film of the same name, this raucous musical comedy takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the hysteria caused when clean-cut kids fall prey to marijuana, leading them on a hysterical downward spiral filled with evil jazz music, sex and violence.

REEFER MADNESS is a highly stylized and satirical political commentary. It contains adult humor, religious parody, and drug use, as well as suggested violence and sexual explicitness. It therefore may be inappropriate for younger audiences.

WEDNESDAY, Jan 25 at 8 pm
THURSDAY, Jan 26 at 8 pm
FRIDAY, Jan 27 at 8 pm
SATURDAY, Jan 28 at 8 pm

Kenny Theatre

Tickets are $15 for members/students/seniors, $20 for adults. Email for tickets.

For more information, see their Facebook event page.