July 8, 2015 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

From left to right: Joe Henry, Dean of Students; Dr. Linda Weber, International Manager; Dr. Peter Donahue, School of Social Work Director; Marilyn Mason, Vice Principal of Enrolment Services & Strategic Partnerships; Alasdair Spark, Director of Internationalisation from The University of Winchester; Dr. Alan Pomfret, Childhood and Social Institutions chairperson; Dr. Renee Soulodre-La France, Associate Academic Dean; Dr. David Sylvester, Principal. 

King’s welcomes Alasdair Spark, Director of Internationalisation from The University of Winchester, Winchester, Hampshire, United Kingdom, from July 6-9th. During this time, Mr. Spark met with faculty from the School of Social Work and Childhood and Social Institutions program to learn more about what King’s has to offer.