May 11, 2015 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn

A group of students and faculty from Malmo University, Sweden are on campus participating in a unique exchange program in the Childhood and Social Institutions program. Eight students from Malmo University department of Education are taking CSI3395 along with eight King’s students. The class begins with one week at King’s and ends with a week in Sweden for all participants. It is taught by Dr. Sally McNamee from King’s along with Dr. Despina Tzimoula and Dr. Peter Lilja of Malmo University.

Dr. McNamee will focus on First Nations childhood issues while the class is held in Canada. “I hope they can learn about advocacy issues regarding First Nations children, which will also include a guest lecture by a CSI student, who is First Nations, on her education and culture.”

While in London, the students will visit the London Regional Children’s Museum, the Museum of Ontario Archeology and Lake Huron. The students will also travel to Toronto to the Ontario Advocates Office.

On May 22nd the course moves to Malmo University where the focus will be on childhood issues regarding gender, poverty, ethics and school policy.

Dr. Sauro Camiletti, King’s Vice-Principal and Academic Dean, greeted the students on their first day of class. He calls the unique exchange a marvellous opportunity for students of both nationalities to learn about each other’s learning institutions, programs and cultures.

“It is rare for a single class to include two large student groups from two counties, learning together. I am really excited about this kind of ground-breaking learning experience.”

The concept started as a faculty exchange in 2009 and has now led to the development of an intersession credit course.

To learn more about CSI at King’s please visit:

You can also follow Dr. McNamee on twitter @SallyMcNamee and Dr.Tzimoula on twitter @DTzimoula