Dr. Marie Pascal

Dr. Marie Pascal

Dr. Marie Pascal

Assistant Professor

Email: mpascal3@uwo.ca

Marie Pascal is Assistant Professor at King’s University College since 2021. She is a specialist of film adaptation, the theories of otherness, and Québec studies. She finished her PhD at the University of Toronto in 2017, and holds three Masters – in pedagogy (2012), English and Film studies (2010) and Francophone Studies (2010). Her first book, De l’exlusion à l’abjection – Lisières et bas-fonds dans la transcréation québécoise is to be published in November 2023 (by the Presses de l’Université de Montréal). She taught in France, Australia, Ireland, and Canada (University of Toronto, Alliance Française, and Dalhousie University) and she created, in 2021, an academic journal (Transcr(é)ation) dedicated to transmediality and film adaptation – three dossiers have already been released and she is working on the next one – dedicated to David Cronenberg – with a colleague from France. You can access the journal by clicking here: https://ojs.lib.uwo.ca/index.php/transcreation/index. She codirected a book on Denis Villeneuve (with Jeri English, University of Toronto), and published several peer-reviewed articles on text/film adaptation, Québec and Indigenous studies, as well as Francophone Studies. Marie dedicates her life to her students and family (being the happy mother of two wonderful toddlers) and to her research.

Selected Publications

« Les approximations de la situation déictique – Anne Hébert et ses transcréations cinématographiques », CiNéMas (to be published in the Fall 2023).

« Non au père ! La paternité défaillante dans la transcréation québécoise », CiNéMas, Vol. 30, n°1, juin 2023, pp. 123-144.

« Close-ups and Gros Plans – Denis Villeneuve the Macrophage », ReFocus: The Films of Denis Villeneuve, J. English & M. Pascal (dir.), Edinburgh University Press, 2023, pp. 41-58.

« La transcréation du fragment décolonial : Expérimenter dans Kuessipan de Naomi Fontaine (2011) et Myriam Verreault (2019) », Transcr(é)ation, Vol. 1, Summer 2022, pp. 1-19.

« S’il vient quelque chose encore ce sera du côté de la mer’ – L’élément aquatique dans l’univers romanesque d’Anne Hébert », RELIEF, Vol. 16 n°1, « Littératures francophones & écologie : regards croisés », été 2022, pp. 70-86).