Dr. Kristin Lozanski

Dr. Kristin Lozanski

Dr. Kristin Lozanski

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: klozansk@uwo.ca


  • PhD - University of Alberta
  • MA - University of Victoria
  • BA (Hon) - University of Calgary
  • BSc - University of Calgary


  • Soci 1021E – Introduction to Sociology
  • Soci 2279A/B – Unequal Cities
  • Soci 3310 F/G – Qualitative Research Methodologies
  • Soci 3318 F/G – Global Injustice, Borders & Mobilities


Globalization, transnational agricultural labour, critical mobilities, travel/tourist studies, qualitative methodologies, feminist geography, citizenship and belonging

Selected Publications

Lozanski, Kristin. Forthcoming. “Peach Blossoms and Precarious Work: Canada’s SAWP on the Niagara Peninsula.” Seasonal Sociology, 2nd ed. Eds. Tonya Davidson and Ondine Park. University of Toronto Press.

George, Glynis, Kristin Lozanski, Susana Caxaj, and Stephanie Mayell. 2024. “Migrant Farm Workers' Experience of Support in Three Migrant-intensive Communities in Canada.” Social Inclusion 12: Article 7785.

Lozanski, Kristin. 2023. “NoBodies: Transnational Im/Mobilities and Dis/Embodiment in the Orchards of Niagara-on-the-Lake Canada.” ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies. (Special Section: Departures, Arrivals, and Encounters: Feminist Understandings of Borders and Human Im/mobilities.) 22(4): 1174-1196.

Lozanski, Kristin, Talia Esnard & Tomaso Ferrando. (Accepted August 21, 2023). “The Canada-Caribbean Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP) in and beyond COVID-19: Involuntary Mobilities, Liberalized Food Systems and Multiple Inequities.” Reordering Caribbean Futures in the Fires of Global Change. Eds. Patricia Northover, Richard L. Bernal, Hamid A. Ghany and Natalie Dietrich-Jones. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press.

Lozanski, Kristin & Kayla Baumgartner. 2020. “Local gastronomy and transnational labour: Farm-to-table tourism and global agricultural workers in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada.” Tourism Geographies (online first).

Lozanski, Kristin. 2020. “Mobilizing Mobilities: Chinese Birthright Tourists as Willful Strangers in Canada.” Mobilities 15(2): 146-160.

Speier, Amy, Kristin Lozanski, and Susan Frohlick. 2020. “Introduction: Reproductive Mobilities.” Mobilities (Special Section: Reproductive Mobilities) 15(2): 107-119.

Frohlick, Susan, Kristin Lozanski, Amy Speier, and Mimi Sheller. 2019. “Ideas in Motion: Mobilities Meets Reproductive Vibes...” Transfers 9(1): 95-102.

Lozanski, Kristin and Irene Shankar. 2019. “Surrogates as risk or surrogates at risk? The contradictory constitution of surrogates’ bodies in transnational surrogacy.” Social Theory and Health 17(1): 40-56.

Lozanski, Kristin and Christine Lavrence. 2019. “Empowerment or self-governance? A critical discourse analysis of the lululemon manifesto.” Governing the Social in Neo-Liberal Times, p. 178-201, Ed. Deborah Brock. UBC Press.

Lozanski, Kristin and Irene Shankar. 2019. “Mitigating risk in transnational commercial surrogacy: Physical, familial, cultural.” Social Theory and Health 17(1): 40-56.