Dr. Darcy Harris

Dr. Darcy Harris

Dr. Darcy Harris


Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: Darcy.Harris@uwo.ca

My current research has focused on non-death loss and grief and compassion-based approaches to grief and loss, including socio-political grief and environmental grief. My most recent book explores compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. I am also a member of the Compassion in Higher Education workgroup, based out of the Compassionate Mind Foundation in the UK.

Professional Status & Clinical Credentials
  • Registered Social Worker (R.S.W.), Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Worker
  • Registered Nurse (B.Sc.N., R.N.), College of Nurses of Ontario, Florida Board of Nursing
  • Fellow in Thanatology, Association for Death Education and Counseling
Scholarly and Professional Academic Activities

2022 - Present: Board of Directors, International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement

2022 - Present: Board of Directors, Association for Death Education and Counseling

2018 - Present: Faculty Member, Portland Institute for Loss and Transition

Honours and Awards

2004-2022: Dean's Honour Roll of Teaching, King's University College
2018: Robert Fulton Center for Death Education and Bioethics Founders Award
2016: Robert Fulton Center for Death Education and Bioethics Founders Award
2014: Death Educator Award, Association for Death Education and Counseling


  • Ph.D.– Interdisciplinary Studies Concentration in Psychology;
    Specialization in Thanatology and Women’s Reproductive Health, Union Institute and University, Cincinnati, OH
  • M.Ed. – Counseling Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
  • Certificate in Palliative Care and Thanatology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON
  • B.Sc.N. – Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL


  • Thanatology 1025A: Introduction to Thanatology
  • Thanatology 2200: Survey of Thanatology
  • Thanatology 2225A/B: Topics in Thanatology
  • Thanatology 2231A/B: Bereavement Theories and Interventions
  • Thanatology 2234A/B: Change, Loss, and Transition
  • Thanatology 2602A/B: Communicating with the Dying and Bereaved
  • Thanatology 3321A/B: Grief Counselling
  • Thanatology 3322A/B: Diversity and Social Justice Issues in Thanatology
  • Thanatology 3360A/B: Field Placement in Thanatology
  • Thanatology 3601A/B: Crisis, Trauma, and Loss
  • Thanatology 3606A/B: Professional Issues
  • Thanatology 3607A/B: Therapeutic Modalities in Grief and Loss
  • Thanatology 4331F/G: Social and Discourse in Thanatology
  • Thanatology 4401F/G: Research Methods in Thanatology
  • Thanatology 4403F/G: Advanced Seminar in Thanatology


  • Chronic sorrow and non-finite loss
  • Compassion training in death education and palliative/bereavement care workers
  • Critical analysis of health care workers in institutional settings
  • Models of grief in non-death loss
  • Social justice and diversity in Thanatology-related issues

Selected Publications

Current Works in Press

Harris, D. (in press). Trauma and the shattered assumptive world. In D. Balk (Ed.), Trauma and loss. Routledge.

Harris, D. L. (in press). Social justice issues in loss and grief. Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement,

Harris, D. (in press). Grief and bereavement in palliative supportive care. In R. MacLeod & L. Van den Block (Eds.), Textbook of palliative care. Springer.

Harris, D. (in press). Exploring compassion focused therapy for loss and grief. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine.

Harris, D., (in press). Ambiguous loss. In C. Cait (Ed.) Routledge resources online: Death, dying and bereavement.

Authored Books

Harris, D., & Winokuer, H. (2021). Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling, 3rd Ed. Springer

Edited Books

Harris, D.L, & Ho, A.Y. (2023). Compassion-based approaches in loss and grief. Routledge.

Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Thornton, G., & Winokuer, H. (2022). Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice. Routledge.

Harris, D. (Ed.) (2020). Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D., & Bordere, T. (2016). Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion ​​​​​​. Routledge.

Harris, D. (Ed.) (2010). Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Harris, D., & Ho, A. (2023). Introduction to compassion-based practices in loss and grief. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2023). Understanding foundational aspects of grief. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2023). Spheres of the assumptive world as contexts for compassion. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Ho, A., & Harris, D. (2023). What is compassion training? In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2023). Compassion-focused grief therapy. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2023). The GRACE model of compassionate response. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2023). Compassion in situations of nonfinite loss and chronic sorrow. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D., & Ho, A. (2023). Summary and conclusion to compassion based approaches to loss and grief. In D. Harris and A. Ho (Eds.), Compassion-based approaches to loss and grief. Routledge.

Harris, D.L. (2023). Compassion-focused grief therapy. In E.Steffen, E. Milman, & R. Neimeyer (Eds.), The handbook of grief therapies. Sage.

Harris, D., & Murray, J. (2022). Non-death loss and grief. In H. Servaty-Seib & H. Chappel (Eds.), Handbook of thanatology (3rd Ed.). Association for Death Education and Counseling.

Harris, D. (2021). Grief after non-death losses: An exploration of living with loss. In R.A. Neimeyer (Ed.) New Techniques of grief Therapy: Bereavement and beyond. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Non-death loss and grief: Laying the foundation. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Losses of birth mothers in the adoption triad. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Nonfinite/living losses. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Midlife children caring for their aging parents. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Loss of love: When the relationship dies, but the person is still living. In

D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Supporting people through living losses. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Tangible and intangible losses. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Impermanence, Change, and the Dynamic Experience of Living. In D.L. Harris (Ed.), Non-death loss and grief: Context and clinical implications. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2020). Compassion and resilience. In N. Thompson & G. Co (Eds.), Promoting resilience in death, grief, and loss. New York: Routledge.

Harris, D. (2017). An egalitarian perspective. In N. Thompson & G. Cox (Eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of Death, Grief, & Bereavement (pp.159-170). New York: Routledge.

Harris, D., & Machado, R. (2017). A critical view of trauma and its treatment. In G. Cox & N. Thompson (Eds.) Handbook of traumatic loss (pp. 273-288). New York: Routledge.

Rabenstein, S., & Harris, D. (2017). Family therapy and trauma. In G. Cox & N. Thompson (Eds.) Handbook of traumatic loss (pp. 179-200). New York: Routledge.

Harris, D., & Rabenstein, S. (2017). Family therapy and traumatic losses. In R. Stevenson & G. Cox (Eds.), Children, adolescents and death: Questions and answers (pp.69-88). New York: Routledge.

Neimeyer, R. A. & Harris, D. (2016). Bereavement and grief. In Encyclopedia of mental health (2nd ed.). Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

Harris, D. (2016). The grief drawer. In R. Neimeyer (Ed.), Techniques of grief therapy (Vol. 2). New York: Routledge.

Harris, D., & Rabenstein, S. (2014). Working with families who have experienced traumatic loss. In. D. Kissane (Ed.), Bereavement Care for Families, Routledge.

Harris, D. (2014). Perinatal loss and grief. In M. Brennan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of death and dying. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Harris, D. (2014). The psychology of death and bereavement. In M. Brennan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of death and dying. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Harris, D. (2014). Sudden infant death syndrome. In M. Brennan (Ed.), Encyclopedia of death and dying. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Harris, D. (2013). Infertility, Adoption, and Intimacy: Life’s Layered Losses. In B. DeFord & R. Gilbert (Eds.), Living, Loving, and Loss. Amityville, NY: Baywood.

Harris, D. (2012). Hands in the sand: expressing the inexpressible through sand tray therapy. In R.A. Neimeyer (Ed.), Techniques of grief therapy. New York: Routledge.

Boss, P., Roos, S., & Harris, D. (2011). Grief in the Midst of Ambiguity and Uncertainty: An Exploration of Ambiguous Loss and Chronic Sorrow. In Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Thornton, G., & Winokuer, H. (Eds.) Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice. Routledge.

Neimeyer, R., & Harris, D. (2011). Building Bridges in Bereavement Research and Practice:

Some Concluding Reflections. In Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Thornton, G., & Winokuer, H. (Eds.) Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice. Routledge.

Schultz, C., & Harris, D. (2011). Nonfinite loss: Thoughts on research and practice in losses that have no ending. In Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Thornton, G., & Winokuer, H. (Eds.) Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010) Definitions of Loss; The dynamics of loss, change, and transition. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge.

Harris, D. (2010). The Social Context of Loss and Grief. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010) Dissolution of Intimate Relationships. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010) Infertility and reproductive loss. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D., & Isenor, J. (2010) Loss of Employment. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010) Meaning-making and the assumptive world. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010) Concluding thoughts: Integrating loss in everyday life. In Harris, D. (Ed.) Counting Our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. Routledge

Harris, D. (2010). Healing the narcissistic injury of death in the context of Western society In Kauffman, J. (Ed.) The shame of death, grief, and trauma (pp.75-85). Routledge.

Nichols, D. (2002). Social Support for the Bereaved: Some Practical Suggestions. In Morgan, J. D. (Ed.) Social Support: A Reflection of Humanity (pp. 33-44). Baywood Publishing Company, Amityville, NY.

Refereed Publications

Harris, D. L. (2021). Compassion-focused grief therapy. British Journal of Guidance and Counselling. DOI: 10.1080/03069885.2021.1960948

Harris, D. (2021). Political grief. Illness, Crisis, & Loss. DOI: 10.1177/1054137321999793

Shelvock, M., Kinsella, A., & Harris, D. (2021). Beyond the corporatization of death systems: Towards green death practices. Illness, Crisis, & Loss. doi:10.1177/10541373211006882

Harris, D. (2020). Exploring death, dying, and bereavement from a broad perspective. Death Studies. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2020.1813926

Harris, D. (2017). Grief and loss in infertility. Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement, 20(2), 32-36.

Thompson, N., Allan, J., Carverhill, P.A., Cox, G.R., Davies, B., Doka, K., Granek, L., Harris, D., Ho, A.H.Y., Klass, D., Small, N., & Wittkowski (2016). The case for sociology of dying , death and bereavement. Death Studies. DOI: 10.1080/07481187.2015.1109377

Harris, D. (2014). Guest editor for New Therapist Journal: Grief Edition (87).

Harris, D. (2014). A fate less than death. New Therapist, 87, 14-19.

Harris, D. (2013). ADEC’s 35th Annual Conference Proceedings: Review of the Bridging research to practice featured speaker: Dr. George Bonanno: What's Normal Grief? Mapping the Variations. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, 39(3) 12.

Harris, D., & Rabenstein, S. (2013). Family Therapy in the Context of Traumatic Losses. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, 39(1).

Harris, D. (2012). ADEC’s 33rd Annual Conference/9th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: A summary. Illness, Crisis, and Loss,20(2), 185-188.

Harris, D. (2011). Is Death Education a Social Justice Issue? The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, 37(3).

Fernandez, R., Harris, D. & Leschied, A. (2011). Understanding Grief Following Pregnancy Loss: A Retrospective Analysis Regarding Women’s Coping Responses. Illness, Crisis, and Loss, 19 (2) 143-163.

Harris, D., & Daniluk, J. (2009). The Experience of Spontaneous Pregnancy Loss for Infertile Women Who Have Conceived through Assisted Reproductive Technology.” Human Reproduction 25(3), 714-720.

Harris, D. (2009-10) Oppression of the Bereaved: A Critical Analysis of Death and Grief in Western Society. Omega, 60(3), 241-253.

Harris, D. (2009) Fragmented Answers: Recounting Lucy Grealy’s Story: An Analysis. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counselling, 35(3).

Harris, D. (2009). Gender Stereotyping and Oppression in Grief. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counselling, 35(2).

Harris, D. (2008). Online Death Education: The Agony and the Ecstasy. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counselling, 34(1)

Harris, D. (2007). Bridging the Gap: Continuing the Dialogue between Clinicians and Researchers in Bereavement. The Forum: Professional Publication of the Association for Death Education and Counselling, 33(1)

Nichols, D. (2005) Dying at Grace. The Gerontologist 45(1), p.141-143.

Nichols, D. (1998, December). Getting through the Holidays When You're Grieving. Bereavement Ontario Network.

Nichols, D. (1997). Armfuls of Time. Journal of Palliative Care 13(2)

Nichols, D. (1996). Bereavement: The Two Sides of the Coin. Connecting 2, p. 2.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Harris, D. (2023, May 3). Sociopolitical Grief: Context and Implications. Centre for Death and Society: Innovation at the End of Life Annual Meeting. University of Bath, UK (videoconference).

Harris, D. (2023, May 2). Sociopolitical Grief: An Exploration and Application to Health Care Contexts. 36th Annual Geriatric Medicine Education Day. London, Ontario.

Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Milman, E., Steffen, E., & Lichtenthal, W. (2023, April 28). Grief Therapy as a Pluralistic Practice: Voices of Experience. Association for Death Education and Counseling 44th Annual Meeting. Columbus, Ohio.

Harris, D. (2023, April 27). Self-Compassion: Sustaining the Ability to Care in Challenging Times. Association for Death Education and Counseling 44th Annual Meeting. Columbus, Ohio.

Harris, D., & Milman, E. (2023, April 25-26). Advanced Professional Development Course: Prolonged Grief Disorder. Association for Death Education and Counseling 44th Annual Meeting. Columbus, Ohio.

Harris, D. (2022, December 3). The Application of CFT to Grief Therapy. Compassionate Mind Italian Summit. (videoconference)

Harris, D. (2022, April 23). Compassion Focused Therapy for Grieving Individuals. Association for Death Education and Counseling 43rd Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MI (videoconference).

Harris, D. (2022, April 22). Teaching that Matters Symposium: Giving Thanatology Away. Association for Death Education and Counseling 43rd Annual Meeting. St. Louis, MI (by videoconference).

Harris, D., & Milman, E. (2022, April 18-19). Advanced Course: Complicated Grief. Two-day Professional Development Course for the Association for Death Education and Counseling. St. Louis, MI (videoconference).

Harris, D. (2022, April 8). Compassion Focused Grief Therapy. University of Texas Grief and Loss Conference. Austin, TX, (videoconference).

Harris, D. (2022, April 1). Sociopolitical Grief. McGill University Series on Grief and Loss. Montreal, QU. (videoconference).

Harris, D. (2021, October 12). Compassion Focused Grief Therapy. Compassionate Mind Foundation Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK (by videoconference).

Gilbert, P., Harris, D., & Lee, D. (2021, October 12). Attachment, Grief, and Trauma: Clinical Skills Workshop. Compassionate Mind Foundation Annual Meeting, Bristol, UK (by videoconference).

Harris, D. (2020, July 1). Preserving Dignity through Compassionate Care in Supporting Bereaved Families. Symposium on Dignified and Compassionate End of Life Care. Singapore (converted to webinar due to COVID-19).

Harris, D. (2020, July 2). Panel Discussion on Dignity and Compassionate Care at the End of Life. Symposium on Dignified and Compassionate End of Life Care. Singapore (converted to webinar due to COVID-19).

Harris, D. (2019, May 17). Cultivating Compassionate Presence in Difficult Work. University of Michigan Medical Annual Grief and Loss Information Day. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Harris, D. (2019, May 17). Discovering Compassion in Loss: Building Sustainability for All. University of Michigan Medical Annual Grief and Loss Information Day. Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Harris, D. (2019, April 12). Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications. Association for Death Education and Counseling 41st annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Harris, D. (2019, April 12). Teaching that Matters: Developing an Undergraduate Program in Thanatology. Association for Death Education and Counseling 41st annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Harris, D. (2019, April 9-10). Essentials of Thanatology. Association for Death Education and Counseling 41st annual conference, Atlanta, Georgia.

Harris, D. (2018, June 28). Political Grief. International Workgroup on Death, Dying, and Bereavement 30th meeting, London, Canada.

Harris, D. (2018, June 4). Navigating Grief in Liminal Spaces: Ambiguous Loss and Chronic Sorrow. International Death, Grief, and Bereavement Meeting. University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse, Wisconsin.

Harris, D. (2018, April 24-25). Essentials of Thanatology. Association for Death Education Counseling 40th annual conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Harris, D. (2017, November 16). Betwixt and Between: Ambiguous Loss and Chronic Sorrow. National Missing Persons Conference, Sydney, Australia.

Harris, D. (2017, April 4-5). Essentials of Thanatology. Association for Death Education and Counseling 39th annual conference, Portland, Oregon.

Harris, D. (2017, April 6) Embedding Online Resources into Death Education. Association for Death Education and Counseling 39th annual conference, Portland, Oregon.

Sauder, A., Swiatek, E, Harris, D, & Greenway, J. (2016, December 8) Utilizing Cross-Campus Partnerships to Develop Online Learning Modules for Undergraduate Student Skill Development. Campuses Connect Symposium, Brescia College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2016, November 5). Death, Dying and Bereavement: A Social Justice Perspective. International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement UK Open Conference. Glasgow, Scotland.

Harris, D. (2016, June 8). Social Justice Issues in Loss and Grief. International Death, Grief, and Bereavement Conference, University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse, Wisconsin.

Boss, P., Doka, K., & Harris, D. (2016, April 16). Ambiguous Loss, Nonfinite Loss, and Disenfranchised Grief: Connections and Implications for Clinicians. Association for Death Education and Counseling 38th Annual Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Harris, D. (2015, September 24). The Role of Compassionate Presence in End of Life Care. North Simcoe Hospice and Palliative Care Association Keynote Address. Barrie, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2015, April 10). A Primer on Social Justice Issues in Loss and Grief. Association for Death Education and Counseling 37th annual conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Harris, D. (2015, April 11). The Person in the Professional: How our Private World Shapes our Professional Work. Association for Death Education and Counseling 37th annual conference, San Antonio, Texas.

Harris, D. (2014, June 13). Ambiguous and Nonfinite Loss in Infertility. 10th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, Hong Kong, China.

Neimeyer, R., Harris, D., Shimson Rubin, S., & Winokuer, H. (2014, June 13). Models of Grief: An Exploration of Four Current Models of Working with the Bereaved. 10th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, Hong Kong, China.

Harris, D. (2014, June 12). Attachment and Grief in Perinatal Loss. 10th International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, Hong Kong, China.

Harris, D. (2014, April 25). Grief and Non-Death Losses. Research That Matters Symposium. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Harris, D., & Hunter, B. (2014, April 22). Mindful Awareness and Healing Presence in Grief and loss. Invited preconference workshop Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

Harris, D. (2013, April 25). Compassion-Based Therapy with Bereaved Individuals. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Hollywood, California, USA.

Harris, D. (2013, April 26). Grief Counseling 101. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Hollywood, California.

Harris, D. (2013). Grief from a Broader Perspective: Exploring Grief after Non-death Losses. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting of the board of directors; Hollywood, California, USA.

Harris, D. (2012, March 29). Mindfulness and Healing Presence with Bereaved Individuals. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Harris, D. (2012, March 30). Teaching That Matters: Engaged Pedagogy in Online Death Education. Association for Death Education and Counseling annual meeting; Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Harris, D. (2011, October 12). Current Trends: Bridging Research and Practice in Bereavement (full-day seminar). Bereavement Ontario Network Annual conference, Orillia, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2011, July 30). Living with Nonfinite Loss in Everyday Life. Invited all-day symposium, Grief Counseling Center, Tokyo, Japan.

Harris, D., (2011, July 26). The Many Paths of Grief. Invited guest lectureship, University of Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.

Harris, D., (2011, July 29). The Context of Grief in Reproductive Loss. Symposium for Medical and Health Care Providers, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

Noppe, I., Harris, D., & Becker, C. (2011, June 25). Teaching that Matters: International Death Education. Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, USA.

Currier, J., Hoyt, W., & Harris, D. (2011, June 24). Current Controversies in Grief Counseling. Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference, Miami, Florida,

Harris, D. (2011, June 24). Living Losses: Grief in Nonfinite and Intangible losses. Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference, Miami, Florida, USA.

Harris, D. (2010, November 3). Navigating Loss and Transition in Later Life. London Health Sciences Geriatric Psychiatry Symposium, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2010, October 20). The Many Shapes of Grief. London Palliative Care Refresher Day, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2010, October 20). Ebb and Flow: Embracing Change in Bereavement Care. Bereavement Ontario Network, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2010, June 2). A Family’s Journey Through Grief: How Parents and Children Grieve Together. VON Middlesex Elgin Education Day, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2010, April 9). Chronic Sorrow and Acute Grief in Reproductive Loss. Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Noppe, I., Harris, D., Thompson, B., & Moore, J. (2010, April 9). Teaching That Matters: Death Education and Interdisciplinarity. Association for Death Education and Counseling Annual Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, USA.

Harris, D. (2009, October, 15). Awareness and Reflective Practice in Working with Bereaved Individuals. Bereavement Ontario Network 19th annual conference, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D., Hunter, B. & Kauffman, J. (2009, April, 18). The Gift of Presence in Helping Bereaved Individuals. Association for Death Education and Counselling Annual Conference, Dallas, Texas, USA

Moore, J., Harris, D., Gilbert, K., Attig, T. & Gorman, E. (2009, April, 16). Death Education Online: Lessons Learned- Panel Discussion. Association for Death Education and Counselling Annual conference. Dallas, Texas, USA.

Harris, D. (2009, February 27). The Experience of Spontaneous Pregnancy Loss in Infertile Women Who Have Conceived with the Assistance of Medical Intervention. Presentation of research findings, faculty research seminar, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2008, April, 25). Oppression of the Bereaved: A Critical Analysis of Grief in Western Society. Association for Death Education and Counselling, Annual conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2007, October, 25). When the Womb is the Tomb: Understanding the Impact of Reproductive Loss. Presentation for the Bereavement Ontario Network 17th Annual Conference, Orillia, Ontario, Canada

Harris, D. (2007, October, 18). Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue: Being Human in Difficult Situations. Presentation for the Ontario Community Justice Association Conference, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2007, April, 24). Complicated Grief: When is “Normal Grief” Not Normal? Presentation at the Annual Ontario Provincial Conference on Palliative and End-of-Life Care, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2007, April, 13). Effective Online Death Education: Strategies and Issues. Symposium on death education sponsored by the Association for Death Education and Counselling Annual conference, Indianapolis, IL, USA.

Harris, D. (2007, April, 12). Bridging the Gap: Clinicians Respond to Researchers. Half-day workshop for clinicians and researchers in Thanatology at the Association for Death Education and Counselling Annual conference, Indianapolis, IL, USA.

Nichols, D. (2005, September, 20). Using Sand Tray Therapy to Facilitate Grief. Bereavement Ontario Network Annual Conference, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2005, April, 3). When Words Fail: Use of the Sand Tray in Grief Therapy. Association for Death, Education, and Counselling Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

Nichols, D. (2004, September, 16). Exploring Rituals in Mourning. Bereavement Ontario Network Conference. Location

Nichols, D. (2004, May, 15). Facilitating the Emotions Associated With the Grieving Process. London Ontario Grief Resource Centre Conference on Death and Bereavement. London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2003, September, 18). Grief and Loss in the Caregiver Population—The Caregiver’s Journey Through Loss. Bereavement Ontario Network Conference, plenary session, Orillia, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2000, October). Honoring Others: Honoring Ourselves. Presentation at the 10th Annual Bereavement Ontario Network Conference, Orillia, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2000, May). A Time of Healing. Presentation at the King's Conference on Death and Bereavement, London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (1999, October). Objectification and Powerlessness in Infertility Treatment. Concurrent session presented at the Canadian Bioethics Society Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1999, May). Honoring Others, Honoring Ourselves. Concurrent Session presented at the Centre for Education about Death and Bereavement (Children and Grief), King's College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1998, May). Care for the Caregiver: A Burnout Management Group for Helping Professionals. Concurrent session presented at the Centre for Death and Bereavement Education Conference (Complicated Grief), King's College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Major Invited Contributions

Harris, D. (2022, June 5). Non-Death Loss and Grief: Unique Issues and Clinical Implications. International Death, Grief, and Bereavement Conference, LaCrosse, Wisconsin (full-day workshop).

Harris, D. (2022, June 1 & 24). Grand Rounds and Workshop: Compassion as a Sustaining Element in Difficult Situations. Alberta Health Services (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2022, June 15). Sociopolitical Grief and Health Care Delivery. London-Middlesex Geriatric Psychiatry Education Day (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2021, November 13). ADEC Half-Day Connections Panel: Political Grief (moderator and participant). [Virtual.]

Harris, D. (2018, November 14). When Grief Goes Awry: Exploring Complicated Grief. Cancer Council of Western Australia Webinar for Rural Care Providers, Perth, Australia.

Harris, D. (2018, November 14). The Sustaining Capacity of Compassionate Care. Cancer Council of Western Australia Telephone Support Team, Perth, Australia.

Harris, D. (2018, November 13). Living Losses: Assessment and Intervention. Cancer Council of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.

Harris, D. (2018, October 6). Living Losses: Exploring Grief and Loss in Everyday Life. City of Markham Service Sector Employee Training Day, Markham, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2018, October 16). Overview of Grief: Contemporary Issues. Southwest Ontario Local Integrated Health Network Palliative Care Summit, Stratford, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2016, May 23). Living Losses: Exploring Grief and Loss in Everyday Life. All-day workshop for the Arkansas State University College of Nursing and Health Professions, Jonesboro, Arkansas.

Harris, D. (2015, October 21). Living With Loss: Exploring Chronic Sorrow and Nonfinite Loss. Southwest Ontario Palliative Care Refresher and Information Day. London, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2015, September 29). Navigating Losses in Alzheimer's Disease. Alzheimer's Society of London Annual Information Day. London, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2015, May 6). Living Losses—When What Dies is Inside You. Geriatric Medicine Refresher Day, London, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2014, October 22nd). Compassion-Based Practices in Loss and Grief. Full-day workshop for Prince Edward Island Hospice and evening community lecture, Charlottetown, PEI.

Harris, D. (2014, October 16). Social Justice Issues for Bereavement Practitioners. Plenary session, Bereavement Ontario Network 24th annual conference, Orillia, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2014, September 19). Compassion-Based Practices in Loss and Grief. Full-day workshop for Montgomery Hospice, Washington, DC.

Harris, D. (2014, June 6). Assisting Couples in Infertility Treatment. Invited guest lecture for the Certificate Program in Infertility Counselling, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, Hong Kong University and The Hong Kong Society for Reproductive Medicine.

Harris, D. (2009, March, 24) The Intersection of Eastern Thought With Western Psychology: Mindfulness in Working With Clients in Counselling Practice. Guest lectureship in Psych 3366E, Therapeutic Counselling, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2009, March, 6). Women’s Issues in a Changing World. Presentation for International Women’s Day, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2008, March, 4). The Intersection of Eastern Philosophy and Western Psychology. Guest lectureship in PSY 366E: Therapeutic Counselling, Kings University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (February 24, 2009). Standing Firm on Shifting Sand: Dealing With Change and Upheaval. Presentation for the Ontario Association of Career Development Professionals, London, Ontario, Canada

Harris, D. (2009, February, 10). Incorporating Mindful Awareness in Challenging Situations. Presentation for the Canadian Hearing Society, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (Guest). (2002, November). “Surviving Loss,” Interview on Rogers Cable Channel 13 with Jim Chapman on Jim Chapman Live. Rogers Local Channel, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (guest). (1998, October). When Adults Lose a Parent. Public Address/ Videotaped T.V. presentation, London Public Library; London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2004, March, 25). What is the Difference Between Crisis Counsellors and Grief? Counsellors. London Free Press Estate and Planning Guide Special Edition.

Nichols, D. (2004, March, 25). Grief 101. London Free Press Estate and Planning Guide Special Edition.

Other Workshops and Presentations

Harris, D. (2023, May). Compassion Focused Therapy for Grief. Four-part series for the Compassionate Mind Foundation. Derby, UK (simultaneous translation for Brazil; virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2023, February 15). Compassion: Sustenance in Difficult Situations of Loss and Grief. ALS Society of British Columbia (full-day workshop).

Harris, D. (2022, November 16). Sociopolitical Contexts of Grief. Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2022, April-May). Compassion Focused Therapy for Grief. Four-part series for the Compassionate Mind Foundation, Derby, UK. (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2022, May 6). Self Compassion: Sustaining the Ability to Care in Challenging Times. Minnesota Coalition for Death Education and Support. (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2021, November 20). Self-Compassion for Suicide Survivors. Samaritans of Singapore Half Day meeting on suicide support. (virtual presentation).

Harris, D. (2021, November 13). Global Perspectives on Political Grief. ADEC Connections: Building Bridges Through Loss. (virtual panel).

Harris, D. (2021, May 18). Political Grief. Association for Death Education and Counseling webinar.

Harris, D. (2020, August 13) Non-Death Loss: Grieving the Assumptive World (Part 2). Webinar for the Portland Institute of Loss and Transformation (Asia, Australia, and Singapore).

Harris, D. (2020, August 7). Non-Death Loss: Grieving the Assumptive World (Part I). Webinar for the Portland Institute of Loss and Transformation (North/South America and Europe).

Harris, D. (2020, April 21). Grieving the Loss of Living our Lives. Association for Death Education and Counseling webinar on the topic of COVID-19.

Harris, D. (2020, April 13). ADEC in Conversation: Losses Associated with COVID-19. Association for Death Education and Counseling video conference.

Harris, D. (2020, February 28). Compassion-Focused Therapy with Grieving Individuals. Webinar for CFT Practitioners.

Harris, D. (2019, October 18). Navigating the Silver Tsunami: Growing, Loving, and Caring in the Midst of an Aging Population. Bereavement Ontario Network education and training day. Orillia, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2019, July 16-Aug 1). Series of two-day workshops: Foundations and Current Issues in Loss and Grief Support and Clinical Implications and Supportive Therapies for Grieving Individuals. Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement; Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth, Australia.

Harris, D. (2019, June 19). Name that Loss: Identifying Unique Features of Loss and Grief. Portland Institute for Loss and Transformation Inaugural Summer Institute. Portland, Oregon, USA.

Harris, D. (2018, December 12). Non-Death Loss and Grief: Supporting People with Living Loss. Association for Death Education and Counseling Webinar.

Harris, D. (2018, November 7). Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life. North Perth Community Hospice, Listowel, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2018, November 1). The Many Shapes of Grief. London Health Sciences Centre Social Work Retreat Day.

Harris, D. (2018, October 29). Living with Loss: Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer's Disease. University of Wisconsin Parkside. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Harris, D. (2018, October 30). Supporting Families with Dementia. Bader Philanthropies, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Harris, D. (2018, September 17). Meaningful Interactions: Communication at the End of Life. St. Joseph’s Hospice, London, Canada.

Harris, D. (2018, February 6). Coping with Grief/ Supporting Someone who is Grieving. Riverside United Church public information series, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2017, September 21) Liberal Arts 101: Finding your way through Loss and Grief. King's University College, London, Canada.

Harris, D. (2016, October 5). The Sustaining Capacity of Compassionate Care. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Professional Education Day full-day workshop. Toronto, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2016, October 5). Compassionate Care: Research and Practice. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre Grand Rounds. Toronto, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2016, February 18). Care for the Caregiver: A Compassionate Approach to Everyday Life. Western University Staff Information Conference, London, Ontario.

Harris, D. (2016, February 4). Exploring Grief from a Broad Perspective: Grief and Non-Death Losses. Rocky Mountain Cancer Center Continuing Medical Education Series Webinar.

Harris, D. (2016, January 28). Transformation through Loss. King’s University College invited Veritas lecture series.

Harris, D. (2016, January 20). The Sustaining Capacity of Compassion in the Midst of Loss and Grief. Association for Death Education and Counseling webinar.

Harris, D. (2015, December 9). Living Losses: Supporting Grief in Non-Death Loss Experiences. Webinar for the Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement.

Doka, K. & Harris, D. (2014, August 19). Grief and Loss: Beyond Death/New Understandings of Grief Series. Hospice Foundation of America webinar.

Harris, D. (2014, May 2). Enhancing Skills Through Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence. Professional Development Day Symposium, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2014, January 21). Change in Perspective for Caregivers Coping with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia. Alzheimer Awareness Event, McCormick Home for Seniors, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; December 16). Honoring Caregiver Losses. Strathmere Lodge Continuing Education Program, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; November 6). Family Matters: The Ripple Effects of Parkinson’s. Parkinson’s Society Regional Conference, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; June 25). Grief and Bereavement: Insights and Resources. London/Middlesex Hospice Palliative Care Committee/Ontario Telehealth Network Conference, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; June 6). Living with the Losses along the Way—Grief before The Grief. North Simcoe Muskoka Palliative Care Network Annual Meeting, Barrie, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; May 23). Everyday Losses: When What Dies is Inside of You. Ontario Catholic School Association of Ontario, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2013; January 16). Counselling Grieving Clients: Unique Issues and Current Trends. Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association Webinar.

Harris, D. (2013; January 24). Exploring Loss and Grief in Dementia. Strathroy Victorian Order of Nursing Community Awareness Event; Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2012; November 8). The Many Shapes of Grief. Niagara Catholic School Board Professional Development Presentation, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2012; April 3). The Presence of Absence: Loss and Grief in Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Navigating the Road Ahead: Alzheimer’s Society Information Day, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2011). Understanding Grief from a Broader Perspective. St. Joseph’s Health Care Ministries Annual Gathering, Chatham, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2009, October 6). Finding Shelter in the Storm: Coping With Losses Related to Unemployment. Life Losses Educational Information Fair, Bereavement Services Committee of London Sponsored Community Event, London Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2009, March, 24) The Intersection of Eastern Thought With Western Psychology: Mindfulness in Working With Clients in Counselling Practice. Guest lectureship in Psych 3366E, Therapeutic Counselling, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2009, February, 3). Grieving Unseen Losses in Daily Life. Presentation for the Family Service Network for the London Mental Health Coalition, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2009, April, 3 & 2008, November, 21). Dealing with Everyday Losses in Life. Presentation for TASK orientation day, King’s University College, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2008, November, 12). Using Mindfulness in Helping Professions. Presentation for governmental service sector workers and support services, sponsored by Daya Counselling Centre, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2008, October, 8). After the Worst Has Happened. Presentation for Bereaved Families of Ontario, Southwest Region, London, Ontario, Canada

Harris, D. (2008, April, 23). Realizing the Impact of Everyday Losses: When What Dies is Inside of You. Seminar presented to Ontario Works, Human Resources Canada, and service sector workers in London, Ontario, Canada

Harris, D. (2007, June, 9). Critical Analysis of Grief in Western Society. Graduate seminar presentation, Union Institute & University, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

Harris, D. (2007, March, 30) Working Through Caregiver Grief and Loss Issues. Day-long workshop for Woolwich Region Hospice and Palliative Care Association, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2007, February, 26). Helping Caregivers in Stressful Work Situations Related to Loss. Presentation to the WOTCH community, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2007, January, 28). Getting Through Grief in its Various Forms. Presentation to Valleyview Mennonite Church, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris, D. (2007, January, 25). Helping Grieving Clients. Seminar presented to Ontario Works, Human Resources Canada, and service sector workers in London, Ontario, Canada

Harris-Nichols, D. (2006, October, 17). Communication With Terminally Ill and Bereaved Individuals. Seminar presented for the Huron County Palliative Care Committee, Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2006, June, 12). Ethical Issues in Reproductive Loss. Presentation to Graduate seminar, Union Institute and University, Montpelier, VT, USA

Harris-Nichols, D. (2006, April, 29). Chronic Sorrow in Lifespan Losses. Seminar presented for Doctoral/graduate students at the University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada

Harris-Nichols, D. (2006, April, 28). Losses across the Lifespan. Seminar presented for Doctoral/graduate students at the University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2006, April, 27). Grief Trends: Current Theoretical and Research Issues in Bereavement. Seminar presented for Doctoral/graduate students at the University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, October, 18). Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatization in Bereavement Work. Day-long workshop for Guelph Region Bereavement Network Professionals, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, April, 28). The Caregiver’s Journey Through Loss. Chatham Area Bereavement Resource Council. Chatham Area CCAC office, Chatham, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, May, 2) London Regional Cancer Centre Caregiver Retreat facilitation of small group work regarding personal loss issues. Sunningdale Golf & Country Club, London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, April, 27). Getting Through Your Grief. Community lecture, Memorial Funeral Home. London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, March, 21). Grief, Trauma, and Addictions. Addiction Services of Thames Valley. Day-long workshop. London, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2005, March, 4). Self-Care and Secondary Traumatization in Palliative Care Workers. Guelph Palliative Care Committee, Day-long workshop, Guelph Community Centre, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Harris-Nichols, D. (2004, December, 10). Grief 101. King’s University College, Guidance Counsellor Orientation, interactive discussion regarding grief and bereavement issues pertinent to secondary school students. London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2004, October, 16) Basic Principles in Grief and Bereavement. Hospice of London, Palliative Care Level One Training. London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2004, May, 7). Exploring Grief and Facilitating Healthy Grief work in clients and in helpers. Niagara Bereavement Resource Council. Thorold, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2004, May, 7). Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatization in Professional Helpers: A Review of Current Findings. Hamilton Palliative Care Network, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2004, February). What to Know About Grief. Youth Opportunities Unlimited Publications

Nichols, D. (2003, October, 23 & 24). Helping Grieving Individuals, Facilitating Strong Emotional States, and Self Care for Professional Caregivers. Nippissing College, North Bay,Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2003, September, 20). Getting Through Your Grief. Western Centre for Continuing Studies, University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2003, May, 22). Grief and the Elderly. Eternal Partnership Service Organization Presentation, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2003, May, 9). Helping Grieving Individuals. Palliative Care Level One presentation, Tillsonburg General Hospital, Tillsonburg, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2003, April). Communicating Effectively With Dying Patients and Their Families. Continuing Medical Education (Palliative Care Level 2) for the Faculty of Health Sciences, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2003, April). Helping Individuals Experiencing Sudden, Unexpected Loss. Presentation for Victim Services London Orientation, London Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2002, April). Debriefing the Loss of a Colleague. Presentation given to Craigwood Youth Services Caseworkers, London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2001, October). Helping Individuals Who Are Grieving. Workshop for Service Sector Workers offered through Fanshawe College, London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2001, August/September). Living among the Dying and Bereaved: A Caregiver’s Perspective. Association for Humanistic Psychology Perspective.

Nichols, D. (2001, June). Grief in the Workplace. Workshop given for London Life Employees. London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2001, April). Helping Grieving Spouses through the Social System. Seminar presented to employees of Income Security Administration/HRDC, London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (2001, March).Caring for Yourself While Caring for Others. Presentation to members of the Occupational Counselling Association, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2000, November). Grief and Trauma. Community Presentation, London Public Library Series on Death and Bereavement. London, Ontario Canada.

Nichols, D. (2000, November). Managing Vicarious Trauma in Sudden Death Scenarios. Presentation for Victim Services of Middlesex County, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (2000, February). Valuing Ourselves and Others: Caring for the Caregiver. Full-day workshop for members of Hamilton-Wentworth Community Care Access Centre, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (1998-2003). Grief and Bereavement for Palliative Care Workers. Recurring educational series for completion of Palliative Level 1 educational requirement.

Nichols, D. (1999, November). Getting Through Your Grief. Public Address, London Public Library, London Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (1999, April). Multiple Losses in the Multicultural Community. Presentation to the Thames Valley School Board, London, Ontario, Canada

Nichols, D. (1998, December). Bereavement and the Holidays. King's College Lecture Series on Death and Bereavement; London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1998, October). Grief and Bereavement: An Overview. Recurring lecture series presentation for Palliative Care Level 1 Course; London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1998, April). Care for the Caregiver: Taking Care of Yourself While Taking Care of Others. King's College Lecture Series on Death and Bereavement, April, 1998, London, Ontario. Canada.

Nichols, D. (1998, March). Bereavement and Grief Counselling: When to Seek Help. Presentation to St. George Presbyterian Church, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1998, March). Charting the Course of Your Grief. Community talk sponsored by McFarlane-Roberts Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1997, December). Getting Through the Holidays. Network for Health.

Nichols, D. (1997, November). Getting Through the Holidays When You are Grieving. Community talk sponsored by McFarlane-Roberts Funeral Home and Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1997, October). Grief, Loss, & Transition in Everyday Life. Bodymind Centre, London, Ontario, Canada.

Nichols, D. (1997, September). Care for the Caregiver. Network for Health.