Dr. Christine Lavrence

Dr. Christine Lavrence

Dr. Christine Lavrence

Associate Professor

Phone: 519-433-3491
Email: clavrenc@uwo.ca


  • PhD - York University
  • MA - Concorida University
  • BA - Trent University


Digital sociology, gender, visual sociology, cultural sociology, consumption and social memory.

Selected Publications

Edited Books 

2007 Skorzynska I, Lavrence C and Pepin C, eds. Staging Memory. (Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznan), 2007. 

2015 Skorzynska I, and Lavrence eds. Performing the Past: Post-communist memory in Poland and Romania. (Adam Mickiewicz University: Poznan), 2015. 

Journal Articles and Book Chapters

2020 Lavrence, C and Cambre C. “Do I Look Like My Selfie?”: Filters and the Digital-Forensic Gaze. Social Media and Society. 6(4).

2019 Cambre, C and Lavrence, C. (2019). "How else would you take a picture? #SelfieAmbivalence. Cultural Sociology, 13(40).

2019 Lavrence, C. “Emotions and Human Rights: A case study of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights”  In The Routledge History of Human Rights, edited by Lora Wildenthal and Jean Quataert. Routledge Press. 

2019 Lozanski K and Lavrence C Sing, Floss, Travel: lululemon” In Re-Making Normal:  Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times, edited by Deborah Brock, University of British Columbis Press. 

2018 Cambre C and Lavrence C. “Encounters that open up problems: A critical path for post-structuralist inquiry” In Sociological Theory in Scientific Perspective. Ed Joseph Michalski. Nova Science Publishers, 2018. 

2015 “Sing, Floss, Travel: lululemon” Re-Making Normal: Governing the Social in Neoliberal Times, co-written with Kristin Lozanski, edited by Deborah Brock, Pearson Press, Toronto, forthcoming. 

2015 “Where are you now?’: Public Performance Art and the Transnational Memory of the Srebrenica Genocide,Trafficking Memory: Women, Catastrophe and the Limits of the Transnational, edited by Stephenie Young and Adele Parker (forthcoming). 

2014 “This is not your practice life: lululemon and neo-liberal governance of self”. Christine Lavrence and Kristin Lozanski. Canadian Review of Sociology, February 2014 

2013 “People in War: Yugoslav War Testimonials” Oral History Review, vol 40, (1), 2013. 

2011 “Making Up for Lost Time: Yugonostalgia and the Limits of Serbian Memory”, ed. Kendall Phillips and Mitch Heyes. The Global Memoryscape: Contesting Rememberance in a Transnational 
Age.(Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press) 

2009 “There’s no place like home: Home as social practice in Yugoslav war testimonials.” In Family-Identity-Memory: Rodzina, Tozsamosc, Pamiec. Ed. by (Adam Mickiewicz University Press, Poznan.) 

2007 “Simulating Home: The Internet and Postcommunist Nostalgia”, Les Arts de Mémoire: Matériaux, medias, mythologies. (Art Books Canada: Montreal), 2007. 

2007 “ Between Monumental History and Experience: Remembering and Forgetting War in Belgrade”. Ethnologie Française. 2007 (3). 

2005 “The Serbian Bastille: Memory Agency and Monumental Public Space in Belgrade”. Space and Culture, 8 (2005): 31-46. 2005).