Dr. Lori Murray

Dr. Lori Murray

Dr. Lori Murray

Assistant Professor

Email: lsincla3@uwo.ca

Dr. Lori Murray is an Assistant Professor of Statistics and Acting Associate Director of Mathematics and Analytics and Decision Sciences at King’s University College at Western University. She holds a Ph.D and MSc in Statistical Sciences, and an Hon. BSc in Mathematical Sciences with Distinction from Western University.

As a statistician, Dr. Murray’s research encompasses a wide range of data analysis projects across various disciplines, such as psychology, healthcare, finance, and education. Her research interests include statistical analysis and computing, statistical education, and early data smoothing techniques. She is a member of the Canadian Operations Research Society (CORS) and the Institute for Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS).


  • Statistical Sciences 1023A/B Statistical Concepts
  • Statistical Sciences 1024A/B Introduction to Statistics
  • Statistical Sciences 2035 Statistics for Business and Social Science
  • ADS 3864A/B Data Visualization and Statistical Analysis  

Selected Publications

Murray, L.L., Wilson, J.G., Rodrigues, F.F., Zaric, G.S. (2023) Forecasting ICU census by combining time series and survival models. Critical Care Explorations, Vol 5 (5). http://doi.org/10.1097/CCE.0000000000000912

Murray, L.L. & Wilson, J.G., (2021). Generating data sets for teaching the importance of regression analysis. Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education (DSJIE), Vol 19 (2), 157-166. http://doi.org/10.1111/dsji.12233

Dare, L., Nowicki, E., & Murray, L.L. (2021). How students conceptualize grade-based acceleration in inclusive settings. Psychology in the Schools, Vol 58 (1), 33-50. http://doi.org/10.1002/pits.22435

Murray, L.L. & Bellhouse, D.R., (2020). W.F. Sheppard’s correspondence with Karl Pearson and the development of his tables and moment estimates. Historia Mathematica, Vol 53 (1), 108-117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hm.2020.06.002

Murray, L.L. & Bellhouse, D.R., (2019). W.F. Sheppard’s smoothing method: A precursor to local polynomial regression. International Statistical Review, Vol 87 (3), 604-612. https://doi.org/10.1111/insr.12330

Murray, L.L. & Bellhouse, D.R., (2017). How was Edmond Halley's map of magnetic declination (1701) constructed. Imago Mundi, Vol 69 (1), 72-84. https://doi.org/10.1080/03085694.2017.1242841

Published software packages

Murray, L.L. & Wilson, J.G., (2020). genset: Generates Data Sets for Class Demonstrations. R package version 4.0.2. https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=genset

Conference presentations

Forecasting ICU census by combining time series and survival models
Operational Research Applied to Health Sciences (ORAHS)
Bergamo, Italy (2022)
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS), and
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
Vancouver, B.C. (2022)

Predicting ICU LOS
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) (2020 Online)

Convincing MBA students on the need for regression
European Conference on Operational Research (EURO)
Dublin, Ireland (2019)

Teaching regression to MBA business students
Canadian Operational Research Society (CORS) Conference
Halifax, Nova Scotia (2018)

Research presentation – Early mathematics and statistics
Statistical Society of Canada Conference
Guelph, Ontario (2012)